Sunday, December 30, 2012

Welcome to Uni-Forums - a blog dedicated to uniforms in sports

Welcome to Uni-Forums. The purpose of this blog is simple: To discuss everything there is about uniforms in sports. I know I'm not alone in admitting that I have a crazy obsession with uniforms, logos and concepts among sports teams. Is that weird? Sure...but if you are reading this, you share that same obsession. I remember liking certain teams as a kid, based strictly on the coolness of their uniforms.

Today, uniforms and logos are almost as important to fans than the players wearing them. Hopefully that's not really the case, but there is a lot of revenue at stake for teams who have the most talked about/well liked logos and uniforms. Here at Uni-Forums, I'll be looking to the readers of this blog to discuss the good, the bad and the down right ugly uniforms in sports.

Thanks again for visiting and stay tuned...I've got some crazy ideas to run past ya'll. 

Follow us on Twitter @UniForums

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